When a Dog Earn an Online MBA Degree Paying £4500 to AUOL

AUOL Awarded an MBA Degree to a Dog
This is epic i want to share today, BBC recently published an article on their website claiming a dog earned an Online MBA degree from American University of London by paying £4500 or $6200 Fee.

Before we tell you about what the whole incident was, let us tell you first about American University of London. The University is located in London offering degrees and post-graduate qualifications in business, IT, law, education and liberal arts, humanities, and English. The university claims itself pioneer in distance education & have more than 100,000 registered users globally.

Now back to the incident, Recently AUOL get into a big problem when it awarded an MBA degree to a fictitious character named Peter Smith (Pete), created by BBC Newsnight investigation, which is actually a dog, in exchange of £4500. BBC Newsnight sent "Pete's" resume to American University of London, along with a completed application for the Master's in Business (MBA) and £50 application fee. Newsnight mentioned in the resume that Pate has 15 years of made-up work experience and a fake undergraduate degree from a UK university. To complete the process, AUOL requires photocopies of previous qualifications and a photograph but Newsnight simply ignored the procedure. Surprisingly after submitting the application, AUOL sent a confirmation mail to Pete (A Dog) stating that his application for a degree had been successful, and that once the university had received the £4,500 fee, he would be registered as an MBA graduate in two weeks. Seriously LoL.....

BBC further written into the detailed post that an university official said no to submit any work, and added that APEL board awarded him the full degree immediately based on his qualification and his professional experience.

We're writing this post to warn our blog readers to beware from these craps. When you see a foreign university is offering any degree don't just join it because it's from London or US or whatever country it belongs to. Go & do i deep research & read reviews about that university. Ask to experts & then take decision because its not only you'll end up wasting your money but it can badly impact your career as well.

On the whole matter AUOL say the following statement to NewsNight
We are not a bogus university… and have always been upfront about our status. We have not applied for accreditation with any American, British or other official agency. Many graduates go on to higher education or hold important positions on the strength of our degrees.
Now its your turn what you think about the university & its credibility. Anybody can make out if its a bogus university or not. This is a perfect example of how universities are cheating students & taking hundreds of $$$ in lue to a piece of paper which they called a degree.