Resume Writing Tips: How To Write a Resume For Job With Experience

To help our blog readers hunting a good job, today we're posting some resume writing tips which will help you writing an appealing & better resume for your job hunt.

A resume is a marketing document that is promoting you to your prospective employer. A resume decide whether you'll get an interview call from the employer or not because it is the first contact that you make with your prospective employer.

Resume Writing Tips
Building a better resume takes time & it's not a one day task. You may have to go through many resume formats & may have to find out the best resume that fits your purpose.

We're posting below few resume writing tips on how to write a resume for a job. Hope you'll find them helpful.

Analyze Your Core Competencies

You must have done a diversified tasks in your career but i'm sure there will be some areas you have done great. While writing a resume you should analyze your core competencies and should mention them as "key skills" in your resume. 

e.g if you're a sales guy you might have handle online sales, corporate sales, partner management, direct sales etc. Do mention them in your resume to let your prospective employer know about your key skills.

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Highlight Your Achievement

This is best way to make your resume sell you. I'm sure you must have achieved many a things in your career. If your answer is yes, do mention all of them in your resume. Every employer wants to hire people with a good past experience, no body wants to hire losers. Highlighting achievements in your resume makes you stand out of the crowd & fetch the attention of HR towards you.

Mention What You're Doing Currently & Not What Your Job Responsibilities Says

I've seen many people mention their job responsibilities in resume rather what in actual they're doing. You might have doing much more than what your job responsibilities says. Highlight each and every thing which you're doing even if that is not your role. It gives a more clear picture to your employer about your capabilities.

Highlight Your Hobbies If It Worth Mention

Sometimes your hobbies gives your resume an extra boost, specially when it relates to the job profile or company interest. What if you're going to apply for a marketing job with a car manufacturing company & your hobby is writing a blog on latest car reviews.

Tailor You Resume For Every Job

As we've mentioned earlier, your resume is the first point of contact that you made with your employer. Tailoring your resume for each profile is always advisable. Remove all of the point from your resume which are irrelevant to the post you're going to apply and highlight those point which are best fit with the profile. Doing so will make your resume a better competitor in the selection process.

Be Careful While Writing About Education

We recommend you to mention only your education vitals in your resume. Don't mention your GPA or Percentage unless & until its really required or worth mentioning. You can also mention your extra curricular activities you did during your education if they are relevant to the job. Just remember that employers will be much more impressed with relevant real world experience over your College experience if you have to choose.